6 Principles of Kingian Nonviolence

Principle 1: Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people.

  • It is a positive force confronting the forces of injustice and utilizes the righteous indignation and spiritual, emotional, and intellectual capabilities of people as the vital force for change and reconciliation.  Click for more.

Principle 2:The Beloved Community is the framework for the future.

  • The nonviolent concept is an overall effort to achieve a reconciled world by raising the level of relationships among people to a height where justice prevails and persons attain their full human potential.  Click for more.

Principle 3: Attack forces of evil not persons doing evil.

  • The nonviolent approach helps one analyze the fundamental conditions, policies and practices of the conflict rather than reacting to one’s opponents or their personalities.  Click for more.

Principle 4:Accept suffering without retaliation for the sake of the cause to achieve a goal.

  • Self-chosen suffering is redemptive and helps the movement grow in a spiritual as well as a humanitarian dimension. The moral authority of voluntary suffering for a goal communicates the concern to one’s own friends and community as well as to the opponent.  Click for more.

Principle 5: Avoid internal violence of the spirit as well as external physical violence.

  • The nonviolent attitude permeates all aspects of the campaign.  It provides a mirror type reflection of the reality of the condition to one’s opponent and the community at large.  Specific activities must be designed to maintain a high level of spirit and morale during a nonviolent campaign.  Click for more.

Principle 6:The Universe is on the side of justice.

  • Truth is universal and human society and each human being is oriented to the just sense of order of the universe.  The fundamental values in all of the world’s great religions include the concept that the moral arc of the universe is long but it bends towards justice. For the nonviolent practitioner, nonviolence introduces a new moral context in which nonviolence is both the means and the ends.  Click for more.

7 Responses to 6 Principles of Kingian Nonviolence

  1. Ron Tichenor says:

    Thank you very much for sharing this understanding, as with it, we may grow and mature to potential

  2. Spiegro says:

    This is gold. Thank you for post.

  3. Our community of Aiken SC has experienced the senseless killing of 2 police officers within a one month period. On 1/28 the first female police officer was killed in the line of duty in South Carolina! Four young activist from The SHARP Sisters and BOLD Brothers, organized a prayer vigil for the nextday and within 24 hrs brought out the youth, elders, , the faith leaders, new police chief, recently retired former police chief, the officers, the Mayor, a state senator, a state representative, county council members, city council members, the NAACP, the thugs, the gangstas, families, residents and complete strangers. At the end of the day, these young warriors’ passion took them from an expectation and satisfaction of 30 attendees to a reality in attendance of over 300! Most significant though, was the appearance and appreciation of the elderly father and family of 28 year veteran, local daughter, Master Corporal Sandy Rogers.

    So out of this tragedy the healing and pathforward can be attained through such a training and tool for healing as your training. I look forward to sharing this opportunity of the Kingian Movement.

    • Kazu Haga says:

      Rev. Jenkins, Thank you so much for reaching out to us. Jonathan and I are both inspired by the work of Roz and the other leaders. Their success shows that young people with the right intentions can use a time of crisis to bring unity. Something positive will – and has already – come out of the struggle in your community, and we look forward to working with you! Talk to you all soon.

  4. barbie sims says:

    The community we live in have to has novionce .The way that others controls other isnt right .Kingian principle 1,2,3,4,5,and 6 are great even though no one cares .I am nonviolent and everyone should be too.

  5. bubba'bill says:

    WE train spirit, mind and body to the Way of nonviolence, Peace, so that when crisis strikes, we fall no lower than the level of our training, and perhaps may then rise to the highest level of our hope and faith. BODY, MIND, SPIRIT: if any one of these three should shake, the strength in the other two may stand firm before the challenge encouraging weakness to become our strength.

  6. […] the Positive Peace Warriors Network in three brief pieces on their website: Kingian Nonviolence; Six Principles of Kingian Nonviolence; Six Steps of Kingian […]

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